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Catholic High School

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Welcome Back


As a Crusader alumna/us, you are a valued member of our community and vital to the school’s ongoing mission.  The tradition of excellence that stretches back more than 60 years continues to this day at Catholic High School.  Academic rigor, moral development, charitable service, Crusader loyalty and athletic competition continue to be hallmarks of our school.

Your lasting memories as a Crusader were made possible because individuals, parents and families believed in and supported Catholic education and often sacrificed to ensure the school’s success and stability.  Generosity allows Catholic High School and its students to stay at the forefront of technology, academics, service and athletics.

The continued support of many, including you, allows the school to maintain our tradition of excellence. There is a need today, more than ever, for quality Catholic education.  Make a donation to the school’s Annual Fund – The Crusader Legacy of Excellence by contacting the school’s Advancement Office or contributing online via the school website. Your support will ensure that future Crusaders will be afforded the same top notch Catholic education and experience that you received. 

Samantha (Williams) Haynes ’09
Alumni Relations & Student Activities Coordinator

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