* Required

E-mail is the best way for us to contact you! Please only provide your email if you check it regularly!

After reviewing the parent service opportunities listed below, please indicate your areas of interest. If you have any questions, please call the Advancement Office at (757) 467-2679.

In accordance with your admissions contract, each family is responsible for 35 service hours for two-parent families and 17.5 for single parents. The parent with whom the child resides is responsible for fulfilling the hours. If you meet the requirement of a single parent, please inform me by email at davisd@chsvb.org.

By contractual agreement, if a family falls short of fulfilling their hours by May 31st, there will be a balance due to the school in the amount of $5.00 per hour for each hour not completed. Payment must be received before report cards, transcripts, or diplomas are released. If you are unsure of whether you have completed your hours, please call the Advancement Office for your balance.

Many of you go far above and beyond 35 hours of service for Catholic High and we thank you for your dedication and generosity to the school. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Advancement Office at 757-467-2679.

*Record your completed Parent Service Hours on our website under CRU Family or use this link:


Help with food items throughout the year. We need items for special breakfasts, luncheons, dances, receptions, and other events. We will attempt to provide at least a three-day notice before asking for food donations for various activities. Food donations can be accounted for by the cost of the item (@ 1 hour per $5.00 spent) and 1-hour (or more) preparation time as required.​​​
We need parents who are available during the school day to come to the school and help us prepare various bulk mailings throughout the year. Also, there could be take home opportunities to work on as well. Work includes affixing labels, stuffing envelopes, sealing, and counting. ​​
This fundraiser is a great opportunity to get parent service hours early in the year! BE SURE TO SELL YOUR PACK OF 10 RAFFLE TICKETS FOR $10.00 PER TICKET. YOU WILL RECEIVE 20 PARENT SERVICE HOURS! A BOOK OF 10 RAFFLE TICKETS WILL BE SENT IN FIRST MAILING! ​​
We need parents who are available in the mornings from 7:30 a.m.– 8:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.– 1:20 p.m. during lunches and on Wednesday’s (Mass day) from 11:45 a.m. – 1:35 p.m. to open the store and sell CHS spirit items to students and parents. 11:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m. Mon., Wed., & Fri. to open the store and sell CHS spirit items to students and parents.​​​
Twice a year, we sponsor a blood drive on behalf of the American Red Cross. On that day (TBD), we are in need of the following volunteers:​​​​
Mrs. Teresa Browndorf and/or Ms. Leslie Fenter with various band/chorus volunteer opportunities. ​​​
Our first Trivia Night will be held on Friday, November 15th at Catholic High School. There will be volunteer and sponsorship opportunities for this event. Please indicate if you are interested in helping. ​
(Must be Virtus certified)​​​​​
Assist in summer (2025) bookstore.​​​​​​
Be sure to register early to participate in the Crusader Classic Golf Tournament. Below are volunteer opportunities for the golf tournament. ​
There is a need throughout the year for parent chaperones during the school day for field trips and in the evening for dances along with retreats during the school year if needed. Please indicate if you are willing to serve during the day or evening in this area. (Must be Virtus certified)​​​
Throughout the year, the Athletics Department needs volunteers to work the admission gate at varsity home football and basketball games along with running the clock, filming and announcing for various sports.​​​​
The Cru Nation Booster Club runs concessions for football, basketball, and special events at CHS. All profits are donated to school organizations and clubs including scholarship, academic, athletic, faculty, and facility support. Check below to be notified of all concessions volunteer opportunities or for a specific sport:​​​​​
Help decorate the school for Christmas.​