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Catholic High School

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Bus Service

About our Bus Service

Catholic High School offers bus service for an additional fee to families in Norfolk.

The buses pick-up locations include the Catholic Elementary schools St. Patrick, and St Pius X in Norfolk. 

Pickup times and other information can be found on the form below. If you have additional questions about our bus service, please email Athletic Director: Kelly Barney (

Please note these important reminders: 

  • Please wait at the bus stop with your child until they are safely on the bus.
  • Please do not be late to pick-up your child from their drop-off location.
  • On early releases or half days, the bus leaves 30 minutes after the bell: Half Day (12:30pm dismissal, 1:00pm bus departure), Early Release (1:30pm dismissal, 2:00pm bus departure).
  • Please join the GROUPME app to get important notifications regarding the bus route - this link will be emailed to you once you complete the form below.