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Catholic High School

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Digital Learning Days

School closings can disrupt the instructional programs of Catholic High School. To help students remain on pace with their studies during extended absences, administration and teachers of CHS will implement Digital Learning Days (DLD) in the event of a school closure. During Digital Learning Days, students will use their school-issued Chromebook to access Google Meet, an online conferencing tool, and Google Classroom to attend class and keep up with assignments posted by their teachers. All virtual meetings, coursework, and assignments are intentionally designed to keep student learning on track with the course curriculum. Students will be held accountable for logging into online class meetings on time and for the duration of the class, engaging appropriately in class, completing all assignments, and turning them in on time, as determined by the subject teacher. 

Remote Learning Requests
Please review our new policy for Remote Learning linked here. 
Any requests and/or documentation in accordance with this policy should go directly to Mr. Covington for approval at

Digital Learning FAQs