Spiritual Life
Welcome CRU
Through Campus Ministry and the Theology Department, CHS strives to engage students' heads, hearts, and hands as they journey towards our LORD as His devoted disciples. We participate in the CHS mission of "nurturing the intellect, shaping character, and fostering Christian values through the following means:
- Theology Courses: Students study Theology each day of their four years of enrollment at CHS. Here the students will receive inspiring and challenging catechesis from our well-qualified and experienced Theology Teachers.
- Liturgies: CHS students encounter the LORD through weekly celebrations of Holy Mass, as well as through Eucharistic Adoration, twice-yearly celebrations of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and through daily prayer experiences in our school Chapel.
- Retreats: Each year, CHS students participate retreat experiences tailored to the developmental and spiritual needs of their grade.
- En Christe: Connected with the Theology curriculum, through the En Christe service program, students will serve the disenfranchised in response to Christ's call in Matthew 25.
- Outreach: In addition to the above, Campus Ministry offers many opportunities for students to minister to one another and to the greater community through prayer, service, and charity outreach.
Useful Links:
- United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB): Useful for all news Catholic, and in particular for daily readings/feasts, and a full listing of the books of the Sacred Scriptures.
- FaithND: A very useful site, run by the University of Notre Dame, with daily gospel readings, reflections, prayers, and saints.
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church: The online version of the CCC, resource of all major Catholic doctrines, beliefs, and practices.
- Diocese of Richmond: Our Diocese's website, containing information and news on all the ministries of our Diocese.