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Catholic High School

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En Christe

Why En Christe? 

Catholic High School follows Christ’s call in Matthew 25 to serve the poorest of poor in our community. As Christians, we have an opportunity to bring the love of Christ to the suffering members of our community by giving of our time and talents. Students are required to complete twenty En Christe Service hours each school year.

What are En Christe Service Hours?

The appropriate guide for En Christe service hours are acts that fall under the Corporal Works of Mercy (rooted in Matthew 25). The Corporal works of Mercy are: feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; clothe the naked; shelter the homeless; visit the sick; visit the imprisoned; and bury the dead. In short, we are called to serve face to face those in our community  who are suffering mentally, physically, and spiritually.                                                                                       
In order to clearly outline the guidelines, En Christe hours have been organized below into 7 types of locations where hours can be served. En Christe hours can only be served at these types of locations and within the parameters listed below. In addition, we have included approved local options to earn En Christe service hours. If you would like to suggest another location for school approval that meets the criteria, you may submit information about that organization to the CHS Campus Minister or Director of Student Life. Furthermore, listed below are the two acceptable modes of serving En Christe hours, with a description and example of each.