Honor Code
A Culture of Trust
The purpose of the Honor Code at CHS is to encourage and support a culture of trust and integrity within our educational community. The most important feature of our program is that it was created by and for our students. Members of the CHS student body played an integral role in developing the written code and continue to play an important role in its adoption and enforcement throughout the school community. A student-elected Honor Council consistently educates the student body about Honor and hears all cases of students charged with violating the Honor Code. Through this process, our students hold one another accountable for upholding honor and integrity within our community and help to create a safe and trusting learning environment here at CHS.
The Pledge
“On my honor, I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor give or receive unauthorized assistance on any work. I will expect the same of my peers.”
“As a Catholic community which reveals God’s presence in the world through our affirmation of the gospel and which is guided by the spirit of truth, we strive for honor in all our endeavors. Honor is living a life of virtuous character that remains loyal to faith-based ideals and promotes respect, integrity, and trust which in turn leads to a responsible community.” CHS Honor Code and Constitution